W. Va. R. Prac. & P. Fam. Ct. 2
Unless otherwise indicated: the Code refers to the Code of West Virginia; any reference to a rule without identification of a set of rules, e.g., Rule 6, refers to a rule of the West Virginia Rules of Practice and Procedure for Family Court; any reference to a set of rules, e.g., the Rules of Civil Procedure, refers to the West Virginia rules of that title; supreme court of appeals refers to the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia; intermediate court of appeals refers to the Intermediate Court of Appeals of West Virginia; court refers to the circuit court and or the family court; approved or required refers to a form, fee scale, order, or procedure approved or required by the supreme court of appeals; case information statement refers to a case information statement for domestic relations cases; service, served, or service of process, refers to service of process pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure; party indicates a self-represented party, a represented party, and/or the attorney for a party, as appropriate to the particular usage; child support enforcement agency refers to the state agency charged with child support enforcement; local child support enforcement office refers to the appropriate local office of the child support enforcement agency; family court final order refers to an appealable order entered by a family court judge; and the use of the plural indicates the singular if appropriate, and the use of the singular indicates the plural if appropriate.
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