Have I:
[] Used the most current invoice form?
[] Submitted an original invoice signed in blue ink?
[] If asking for mileage reimbursement, have I used the correct mileage rate?
(If you are unsure of the correct rate, you may call the receptionist at the Administrative Office at 304-558-0145. The rate as of January 1, 2015, is $.575.)
[] If I am requesting out-of-pocket expenses, have I attached original receipts?
[]Have I included a copy of the attendance sheet and the original class evaluations with my invoice? (Parent Educators only)
[] Have I included copies of the presenter invoices with my coordinator invoice?
(Coordinators only)
[] Have I requested the correct fee for my services?
(Parent education presenters: please refer to your independent contractor agreement. Parent education coordinators: please multiply 12% by the total of all presenter invoices)
[] Have I listed the county for which the service was performed?
[] If I am submitting three or more invoices, have I included a summary sheet totaling the charges, listing the counties for each service, and signed in blue ink?
[] Have I included a copy of the appropriate Independent Contractor Agreement(s)?
(Parent Educators, Security Guards and Coordinators Only)
[]Have I included the invoice number on my invoice? (Parent Educators, Security Guards, and Coordinators Only)
[] If my address has changed, have I enclosed a new W-9 form?
[] Have I sent my invoice to the right person and address? (Invoices for parent
education, Advanced Child-Focused Parent Education, mediation, Guardian ad Litem, and parenting plan home study evaluations go to:
Family Court Services Program Coordinator
WV Supreme Court of Appeals
1900 Kanawha Blvd., East
Building 1, Room E-100
Charleston, WV 25305
Updated 5/2015
W. Va. R. Prac. & P. Fam. Ct., Appendices, app A, Parent Education Forms, Checklist for Submitting Invoices to Family Court Services