Disciplinary Counsel shall perform all prosecutorial functions and have the authority to
(1) receive complaints concerning violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct and the Rules of Professional Conduct;(2) review all complaints concerning violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct and the Rules of Professional Conduct;(3) investigate information concerning violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct and Rules of Professional Conduct;(4) prosecute violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct and Rules of Professional Conduct before the Lawyer Disciplinary Board, the Judicial Investigation Commission, the Judicial Hearing Board, and the Supreme Court of Appeals;(5) employ and supervise staff necessary for the performance of prosecutorial functions;(6) notify promptly the complainant and the respondent of the disposition of each matter;(7) notify each jurisdiction in which a lawyer is admitted of the transfer to or from disability, reinstatement, or any public discipline imposed in the State of West Virginia;(8) seek reciprocal discipline when informed of any public discipline imposed in any other jurisdiction;(9) forward a certified copy of the order or judgment of conviction in each jurisdiction in which a lawyer is admitted when the lawyer is convicted of crime reflecting adversely on a lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;(10) maintain permanent records of discipline and disability matters and compile statistics to aid in the administration of the system, including but not limited to a single log of all complaints received, investigative files, statistical summaries of docket processing and case dispositions, transcripts of all proceedings or audiotapes if not transcribed, and other records as the Lawyer Disciplinary Board, Judicial Investigation Commission, Judicial Hearing Board or the Supreme Court of Appeals require to be maintained; and(11) undertake, pursuant to information provided by the Lawyer Disciplinary Board, Judicial Investigation Commission or the Supreme Court of Appeals, whatever investigations are deemed appropriate.W. Va. R. Law. Disci. Proc. 4.4