W. Va. R. Law. Disci. Proc. 3.13
The filing of any objection to the report of the Hearing Panel Subcommittee shall constitute commencement of proceedings to disposition before the Supreme Court of Appeals. The Clerk of the Supreme Court of Appeals shall promptly establish a briefing schedule and notify the parties of the date and time of oral argument or submission of the case without oral argument before the Supreme Court of Appeals. Whenever the Office of Disciplinary Counsel advocates any position before the Supreme Court of Appeals which differs from the findings of fact, conclusions of law, or recommended disposition of the Hearing Panel Subcommittee, it shall provide notice to the Hearing Panel Subcommittee, whether by service of a copy of its brief or otherwise, and the Hearing Panel Subcommittee shall be permitted, if it so desires, to file, within thirty days of receipt of such notice, its own brief before the Supreme Court of Appeals, in support of its findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended disposition. Following oral argument or submission of the case without oral argument, the Court will file an opinion or order disposing of the case. Unless otherwise provided in the Court's opinion or order, any sanction will not take affect until after expiration of the rehearing period or the denial of any petition for rehearing.
W. Va. R. Law. Disci. Proc. 3.13