Rule 202 - Judicial Notice of Law(a)When Mandatory. A court shall take judicial notice without request by a party of the common law, constitutions, and public statutes in force in every state, territory, and jurisdiction of the United States. (b)When Discretionary. A court may take judicial notice without request by a party of: (1) private acts and resolutions of the Congress of the United States and of the legislature of West Virginia and ordinances and regulations of governmental subdivisions or agencies of West Virginia and the United States; and (2) the laws of foreign countries. (c)When Conditionally Mandatory. A court shall take judicial notice of each matter specified in paragraph (b) of this rule if a party requests it and: (1) furnishes the court sufficient information to enable it properly to comply with the request and (2) has given each adverse party such notice as the court may require to enable the adverse party to prepare to meet the request. COMMENT ON RULE 202
Rule 202 of the state rules has not been changed. There is no federal counterpart to this rule.