Wash. Super. Ct. Civ. Arb. R. SCCAR 1.3

As amended through December 5, 2024
Rule SCCAR 1.3 - Relationship To Superior Court Jurisdiction And Other Rules
(a) Superior Court Jurisdiction. A case filed in the superior court remains under the jurisdiction of the superior court in all stages of the proceeding, including arbitration. Except for the authority expressly given to the arbitrator by these rules, all issues shall be determined by the court.
(b) Which Rules Apply.
(1)Generally. Until a case is assigned to the arbitrator under rule 2.3, the rules of civil procedure apply. After a case is assigned to the arbitrator, these arbitration rules apply except where an arbitration rule states that a civil rule applies.
(2)Service. After a case is assigned to an arbitrator, all pleadings and other papers shall be served in accordance with CR 5 and filed with the arbitrator.
(3)Time. Time shall be computed in accordance with CR 6(a) and (e).
(4)Voluntary Dismissal. The arbitrator shall have the power to dismiss an action, under the same conditions and with the same effect as set forth in CR 41(a), at any time prior to the filing of an award.

Wash. Super. Ct. Civ. Arb. R. SCCAR 1.3

Adopted effective 7/1/1980; Amended effective 9/1/1989; 9/1/1991; 12/3/2019.