Wash. R. Limi. Lic. Leg. Tech. Pro. Cond. LLLT RPC 3.1
[1] This Rule is substantially different from Lawyer RPC 3.1 because the role of the LLLT as an advocate is limited. In many instances, an LLLT will be providing assistance to a client who is a party to a court proceeding. In providing such assistance, an LLLT may be authorized within the scope of a specific practice area to accompany and assist a pro se client in certain proceedings. Assistance may include responding to factual and procedural questions from a tribunal. As a member of the legal profession, an LLLT is ethically bound to avoid conduct that undermines the integrity of the adjudicative process or threatens the fair and orderly administration of justice. Although less comprehensive than Title 3 of the Lawyer RPC, the core Title 3 principles incorporated into Rule 3.1 address the issues likely to be encountered by an LLLT, with supplemental guidance available in Title 3 of the Lawyer RPC and commentary thereto.
[2] Certain provisions of Title 3 of the Lawyer RPC, such as Lawyer as Witness in Rule 3.7 and the Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor in Rule 3.8, do not apply to LLLTs. In these instances, the corresponding LLLT RPC has been reserved. Rules 3.6 and 3.9 represent ethical issues that would rarely if ever arise in the context of an LLLT's limited-scope representation. Accordingly, these provisions have been reserved as well, though guidance is available in the corresponding Lawyer RPC in the event that such an ethical dilemma does arise in a LLLT representation.