Rule RAP 17.7 - Objection to Ruling-Review of Decision on Motion(a) Motion to modify. An aggrieved person may object to a ruling of a commissioner or clerk, including transfer of the case to the Court of Appeals under rule 17.2(c), only by a motion to modify the ruling directed to the judges of the court served by the commissioner or clerk. Except as set forth in subsection (b), the motion to modify the ruling must be served on all persons entitled to notice of the original motion and filed in the appellate court not later than 30 days after the ruling is filed. A motion to the Justices in the Supreme Court will be decided by a panel of five Justices unless the court directs a hearing by the court en banc.(b) RAP 18.13 and RAP 18.13A. A motion to modify a Court of Appeals commissioner's ruling terminating review of a motion for accelerated review filed pursuant to RAP 18.13 or RAP 18.13A is governed by the provisions of those rules. References
Form 20, Motion To Modify Ruling.
Wash. R. App. P. RAP 17.7
Adopted effective 7/1/1976; Amended effective 9/1/1994; 9/1/2018.