Rule RAP 10.3 - Content of Brief(a) Brief of Appellant or Petitioner. The brief of the appellant or petitioner should contain under appropriate headings and in the order here indicated: (1)Title Page. A title page, which is the cover.(2)Tables. A table of contents, with page references, and a table of cases (alphabetically arranged), statutes and other authorities cited, with references to the pages of the brief where cited.(3)Introduction. A concise introduction. This section is optional. The introduction need not contain citations to the record for authority.(4)Assignments of Error. A separate concise statement of each error a party contends was made by the trial court, together with the issues pertaining to the assignments of error.(5)Statement of the Case. A fair statement of the facts and procedure relevant to the issues presented for review, without argument. Reference to the record must be included for each factual statement.(6)Argument. The argument in support of the issues presented for review, together with citations to legal authority and references to relevant parts of the record. The argument may be preceded by a summary. The court ordinarily encourages a concise statement of the standard of review as to each issue.(7)Conclusion. A short conclusion stating the precise relief sought.(8)Appendix. An appendix to the brief if deemed appropriate by the party submitting the brief. An appendix may not include materials not contained in the record on review without permission from the appellate court, except as provided in rule 10.4(c).(b) Brief of Respondent. The brief of respondent should conform to section (a) and answer the brief of appellant or petitioner. A statement of the issues and a statement of the case need not be made if respondent is satisfied with the statement in the brief of appellant or petitioner. If a respondent is also seeking review, the brief of respondent must state the assignments of error and the issues pertaining to those assignments of error presented for review by respondent and include argument of those issues.(c) Reply Brief. A reply brief should conform with subsections (1), (2), (6), (7), and (8) of section (a) and be limited to a response to the issues in the brief to which the reply brief is directed.(d) [Reserved; see rule 10.10.](e) Amicus Curiae Brief. The brief of amicus curiae should conform to section (a), except assignments of error are not required and the brief should set forth a separate section regarding the identity and interest of amicus and be limited to the issues of concern to amicus. Amicus must review all briefs on file and avoid repetition of matters in other briefs.(f) Answer to Brief of Amicus Curiae. The brief in answer to a brief of amicus curiae should be limited solely to the new matters raised in the brief of amicus curiae.(g) Special Provision for Assignments of Error. A separate assignment of error for each instruction which a party contends was improperly given or refused must be included with reference to each instruction or proposed instruction by number. A separate assignment of error for each finding of fact a party contends was improperly made must be included with reference to the finding by number. The appellate court will only review a claimed error which is included in an assignment of error or clearly disclosed in the associated issue pertaining thereto.(h) Assignments of Error on Review of Certain Administrative Orders. In addition to the assignments of error required by rules 10.3(a)(4) and 10.3(g), the brief of an appellant or respondent who is challenging an administrative adjudicative order under chapter 34.05 RCW shall set forth a separate concise statement of each error which a party contends was made by the agency issuing the order, together with the issues pertaining to each assignment of error. References
Form 5, Title Page for all Briefs and Petition for Review; Form 6, Brief of Appellant; Rule 3.4, Title of Case and Designation of Parties; Rule 18.1, Attorney Fees and Expenses, (b) Argument in brief.
Wash. R. App. P. RAP 10.3
Adopted effective 7/1/1976; Amended effective 9/1/1985; 9/1/1994; 9/1/1997; 9/1/1998; 12/24/2002; 9/1/2006; 9/1/2010; 9/1/2014; 4/21/2020.