Wash. R. ELC. ELC 7.2

As amended through August 27, 2024
Rule ELC 7.2 - Interim Suspension in Other Circumstances
(a) Types of Interim Suspension.
(1)Risk to Public. Disciplinary counsel may petition the Supreme Court for an order suspending the respondent lawyer during the pendency of any proceeding under these rules if:
(A) it appears that a respondent's continued practice of law poses a substantial threat of serious harm to the public and a review committee recommends an interim suspension; or
(B) a review committee orders a hearing on the capacity of a lawyer to practice law under rule 8.2(d)(1); or
(C) when a hearing officer or the chief hearing officer orders supplemental proceedings on a respondent lawyer's capacity to defend a disciplinary proceeding under rule 8.3.

A suspension under this subsection shall terminate when the underlying proceeding is final or upon order of the court.

(2)Board Recommendation for Disbarment. When the Board enters a decision recommending disbarment, disciplinary counsel must file a petition for the respondent's suspension during the remainder of the proceedings. The respondent must be suspended absent an affirmative showing that the respondent's continued practice of law will not be detrimental to the integrity and standing of the bar and the administration of justice, or be contrary to the public interest. If the Board's decision is not appealed and becomes final, the petition need not be filed, or if filed may be withdrawn.
(3)Failure To Cooperate with Investigation. When any lawyer fails without good cause to comply with a request under rule 5.3(g) or rule 15.2(a) for information or documents, or with a subpoena issued under rule 5.3(h) or rule 15.2(b), or fails to comply with disability proceedings as specified in rule 8.2(d), disciplinary counsel may petition the Court for an order suspending the lawyer pending compliance with the request or subpoena. A petition may not be filed if the request or subpoena is the subject of a timely objection under rule 5.5(e) and the hearing officer has not yet ruled on that objection. If a lawyer has been suspended for failure to cooperate and thereafter complies with the request or subpoena, the lawyer may petition the Court to terminate the suspension on terms the Court deems appropriate.
(b) Procedure.
(1)Petition. A petition to the Court under this rule must set forth the acts of the lawyer constituting grounds for suspension, and if filed under subsection (a)(2) must include a copy of the Board's decision. The petition may be supported by documents or affidavits. The Association must serve the petition by mail or electronic service as provided in ELC 4.1. In addition, a copy of the petition must be personally served on the lawyer no later than the date of service of the show cause order.
(2)Show Cause Order. Upon filing of the petition, the Chief Justice orders the lawyer to appear before the Court on a date set by the Chief Justice, and to show cause why the petition for suspension should not be granted. Disciplinary counsel must have a copy of the order to show cause personally served on the lawyer at least 10 days before the scheduled show cause hearing. Subsection (b)(5) notification requirements must be included in the show cause order.
(3)Answer to Petition. The lawyer may answer the petition. An answer may be supported by documents or affidavits. Failure to answer does not result in default or waive the right to appear at the show cause hearing.
(4)Filing of Answer. A copy of any answer must be filed with both the Court and disciplinary counsel by the date specified in the show cause order, which will be at least 5 days before the scheduled show cause hearing.
(5)Notification. The lawyer must inform the court no less than 7 days prior to the show cause hearing whether the lawyer will appear for the show cause hearing, or the hearing will be stricken and the Court will decide the matter without oral argument.
(6)Application of Other Rules. If the Court enters an order suspending the lawyer, the rules relating to suspended lawyers, including Title 14, apply.

Wash. R. ELC. ELC 7.2

Adopted effective 10/1/2002; Amended effective 1/3/2006; 1/1/2014; 1/1/2015; 12/8/2015; amended effective 9/1/2022.