Wash. R. Ct. Lim. Juri. RALJ 9.2

As amended through November 7, 2024
Rule RALJ 9.2 - Entry Of Decision, Issuance Of Mandate, And Enforcement Of Judgment
(a) Entry of Decision In Superior Court. The decision of the superior court shall be entered immediately after it is signed by the judge, and shall be deemed entered for all procedural purposes from the time of delivery to the superior court clerk for filing.
(b) Mandate Defined. A "mandate" is the written notification by the clerk of the superior court to the trial court and to the parties of the superior court decision.
(c) Transmittal of Superior Court Mandate. The clerk of the superior court shall issue the mandate to the court of limited jurisdiction and to each party not earlier than 30 days nor later than 60 days after the filing of the decision in superior court, unless a party files a timely notice for discretionary review.
(d) Copies Provided in Criminal Case. When the appellate court remands a criminal case to the trial court, the clerk of the appellate court shall transmit a copy of the mandate to the presiding judge of the trial court, to trial counsel of record, and to the clerk of the trial court.
(e) Entry of Decision in Court of Limited Jurisdiction. The court of limited jurisdiction shall comply with the mandate of the superior court and shall enter the judgment for enforcement in the court of limited jurisdiction.
(f) Enforcement of Judgment in Court of Limited Jurisdiction. Except as otherwise provided in these rules, enforcement of a judgment following termination of appeal shall be in the court of limited jurisdiction.
(g) Registration of Judgment in Superior Court. A judgment entered in the court of limited jurisdiction may be registered and enforced in the superior court as authorized by law.

Wash. R. Ct. Lim. Juri. RALJ 9.2

Amended effective 11/7/1995; amended effective 9/1/2002; 9/1/2018; 11/16/2021.