Wash. Admi. And. Prac. R. ELPOC 10.16

As amended through August 27, 2024
(a)Decision. Within 20 days after the proceedings are concluded, unless extended by agreement, the hearing officer should file with the Clerk a decision in the form of findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendation.
(b)Preparation of Findings. The hearing officer or hearing panel write their own findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations. At the request of the hearing officer, or without a request, either party may submit proposed findings, conclusions, and recommendation.
(c) Amendment.
(1)Timing of Motion. Either party may move to modify, amend, or correct the decision as follows:
(A) In a proceeding not bifurcated, within ten days of service of the decision on the respondent LPO;
(B) In a bifurcated proceeding, within five days of service of:
(i) the violation findings of fact and conclusions of law; or
(ii) the sanction recommendation, but this motion may not seek to modify, amend, or correct the violation findings or conclusions.
(C) If a hearing panel member dissents from a decision of the majority, the five or ten day period does not begin until the written dissent is filed or the time to file a dissent has expired, whichever is sooner.
(2)Procedure. Rule 10.8 governs this motion, except that all members of a hearing panel must be served with the motion and any response and participate in a decision on the motion. A panel's deliberation may be conducted through telephone conference call. The hearing officer or panel should rule on the motion within 15 days after the filing of a timely response or after the period to file a response under rule 10.8(b) has expired. The ruling may deny the motion or may amend, modify, or correct the decision.
(3)Effect of Failure To Move. Failure to move for modification, correction, or amendment does not affect any appeal to the Board or review by the Supreme Court.
(d)Dissent of Panel Member. Any member of a hearing panel who dissents from the decision of the majority of the panel should file a dissent, which may consist of alternative findings, conclusions, or recommendation. A dissent should be filed within ten days of the filing of the majority's decision and becomes part of the record of the proceedings.
(e)Panel Members Unable To Agree. If no two panel members are able to agree on a decision, each panel member files findings, conclusions, and a recommendation, and the Board reviews the matter whether or not an appeal is filed.
(f)When Final. If a hearing officer or panel recommends reprimand or an admonition, or recommends dismissal of the charges, the recommendation becomes the final decision if neither party files an appeal and if the Chair does not refer the matter to the Board for consideration within the time permitted by rule 11.2(b)(3). If the Chair refers the matter to the Board for consideration of a sua sponte review, the decision is final upon entry of an order dismissing sua sponte review under rule 11.3 or upon other Board decision under rule 11.12(g).

Wash. Admi. And. Prac. R. ELPOC 10.16

Adopted effective 1/1/2009.