Wash. Admi. And. Prac. R. APR 25.3

As amended through August 27, 2024
(a)Form of Petition. A petition for reinstatement after disbarment shall be in writing and filed with the Bar. The petition shall set forth the residence and address of the Petitioner, the date of disbarment, and a concise statement of facts claimed to justify reinstatement. The petition shall be accompanied by the total fees required of a lawyer or LPO applicant for admission under these rules, and by a completed application for admission.
(b)Investigations. The petition for reinstatement shall be referred to the Character and Fitness Board for hearing. Bar Counsel and Bar staff shall conduct such investigation as appears necessary, and in accordance with APR 20-24.3.
(c)Duty to Cooperate. It shall be the duty of every Petitioner to cooperate in good faith with any investigation by promptly furnishing written or oral explanations, documents, releases, authorizations, or anything else reasonably required by the Character and Fitness Board or Bar Counsel. Failure to appear as directed or to furnish additional proof or answers as required or to cooperate fully shall be sufficient reason for the Board to recommend the rejection of a petition.
(d)Proceedings Public. A petition for reinstatement after disbarment shall be a public proceeding from the time the petition is filed.
(e)Protective Orders. To protect a compelling interest, a Petitioner may, on a showing of good cause, move for a protective order prohibiting the disclosure or release of specific information, documents, or pleadings, and directing that the proceedings be conducted so as to implement the order.

Wash. Admi. And. Prac. R. APR 25.3

Formerly APR 21.3, Adopted effective 10/1/2002; Renumbered as APR 25.3 and amended effective 9/1/2006;1/1/2014;9/1/2016;9/1/2017;9/1/2021.