Rule LCMR 2 - COURT MANAGEMENT(a)Authority. The authority to manage and conduct the court is vested in the superior court judges and shall be exercised through regular monthly or special meetings of the judges. Judges have the final authority over any matters pertaining to court organization and operation and over any individual or committee of the court, except as indicated below. (b)Judges' Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held once a month. Special meetings may be called by the Presiding Judge as needed. A quorum shall consist of one-third of the judges of the bench. Meetings of the judges and of the Executive Committee shall be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order, where not inconsistent with these rules. The Presiding Judge shall chair the meetings. The Presiding Judge shall preside from the Maleng Regional Justice Center for the February, April, June, August, October and December meetings, unless one of the extended judges' meetings is scheduled for a month in which the meeting would otherwise be held at the Maleng Regional Justice Center. At least three times a year, the judges meeting shall be scheduled for an entire afternoon, with the expectation that all judges will attend in person.(c)Majority of Judges. Except where these rules specify otherwise, decisions shall be made by a majority of judges who are in attendance at a meeting. (d)Executive Session. The Judges or the Executive Committee may, by majority vote, enter executive session to discuss matters involving personnel and pending, impending and potential litigation, or other matters deemed confidential for purposes of the attorney-client privilege. A motion to enter executive session shall set forth the purpose of the executive session, which shall be included in the general minutes. The motion shall state specifically the purpose for the closed session. Reference to the motion and the stated purpose for the closed session shall be included in the general session minutes. The presiding judge shall restrict the consideration of matters during the closed portions of meetings only to those purposes specifically exempted and stated in the motion. The presiding judge shall designate the Chief Administrative Officer or a member present to take minutes, which shall be kept separately from the minutes of the regular meeting.King Cnty. Sup. L. Ct. R. LCMR 2
Adopted effective 9/1/2016.