Vt. R. Crim. P. 44.2
If an attorney is replaced by another attorney, the name of the new attorney shall be substituted on the docket for that of the former attorney. Until the notice of the change of an attorney, all notice given to or by the attorney first docketed shall be considered in all respects as notice to or from the client except in cases in which by law the notice is required to be given to the defendant personally. Nothing in these rules shall be construed to prevent a defendant from appearing for himself or herself, in which case the defendant shall be subject to the same rules that are or may be provided for attorneys in like cases, so far as the same are applicable.
Any member in good standing of the bar of any other state or of the District of Columbia who has filed a pro hac vice licensing statement form with the Court Administrator and who has paid the required fee, in accordance with Administrative Order No. 41, § 16, shall, on motion by a member of the bar of this state who is actively associated with that attorney in a particular action, be permitted to practice in that action. The motion must designate which attorney will serve as lead counsel and be accompanied by the pro hac vice licensing card as required by Administrative Order No. 41, § 16. The court may at any time for good cause revoke such admission. An attorney so admitted to practice in a particular action must at all times be associated in such action with a member of the bar of this state, upon whom all process, notices and other documents will be served and who must sign all documents filed with the court and whose attendance may be required by the court.
Vt. R. Crim. P. 44.2
Reporter's Notes-2023 Amendment
Rule 44.2(b) is amended to make clear that admission pro hac vice is a matter of course on motion supported by the pro hac vice licensing card issued by the Court Administrator pursuant to A.O. 41, § 16. The card is issued on payment of fee and on the basis of the applicant's certification that the applicant is not suspended or disbarred in any jurisdiction and is in good standing and admitted to practice in the applicant's licensing state. The licensing card is sufficient to show the court where the case is pending that the applicant is in good standing and not subject to any discipline. The court retains control over the conduct of the out-of-state attorney and of the sponsoring attorney, whose signature is on the motion, and the court may revoke the admission for good cause. This amendment is made with contemporaneous amendment of identical provisions of V.R.C.P. 79.1(e), V.R.P.P. 79.1(d) and V.R.F.P. 15(a).
Reporter's Notes-2020 Amendment
Rule 44.2(e) is amended to clarify that it cross references the 2010 Vermont Rules for Electronic filing.
Reporters Notes-2018 Amendment
Rule 44.2(b) is amended to comport with general revisions of Administrative Order No. 41, governing Licensing of Attorneys, effective May 15, 2017. In the revision and restyling of A.O. 41, former § 13, Admission Pro Hac Vice, is now designated as § 16 of A.O. 41.
Rule 44.2(b)(2), which formerly governed admission and practice of non-esident attorneys pending completion of law office study, or after such completion pending admission to the bar, is deleted as no longer necessary in view of A.O. 41 's abolition of the requirement of law office study as a condition of admission of attorneys to the Vermont bar.
In consequence of the deletion of paragraph (b)(2), paragraph (b)(1) is restyled as a single, nonnumeric paragraph comprising subdivision (b).
References in the rule to "shall" are amended to "must" or "will," consistent with general restyling of the rules of procedure by the Court. The change in terminology is stylistic, rather than substantive.