Vt. R. Civ. P. 80.6
Vt. R. Civ. P. 80.6
Reporter's Notes-2022 Amendment
Rule 80.6 is amended in several places to correct statutory references and update terminology.
Rule 80.6(a), (i), and (m) are amended to remove reference to "district court" and replace it with "Criminal Division of the Superior Court" to reflect the statutory change made by 2009, No. 154 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 236, 238, codified at 4 V.S.A § 1107(a).Rule 80.6 is amended in several places to correct statutory references and update terminology. Rule 80.6(a), (i), and (m) are amended to remove reference to "district court" and replace it with "Criminal Division of the Superior Court" to reflect the statutory change made by 2009, No. 154 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 236, 238, codified at 4 V.S.A § 1107(a).
Rule 80.6(c)(4) is amended to correct a statutory reference by substituting 24 V.S.A. § 1977(a) for 24 V.S.A. § 1979(c). Section 1977(a) provides that the complaint in a municipal civil case in the judicial bureau is to be signed by the issuing municipal official. Section 1979(c) is part of a section providing a procedure for a judicial bureau hearing on a municipal ordinance violation. Paragraph 86(c)(4) relates to the issuance of municipal complaints rather than their hearing. Thus, § 1977(a) is the appropriate statutory reference.
Rule 80.6(i)(1) is amended to substitute the word "transmit" for "mail" in reference for how the judicial bureau clerk should send the notice of appeal to the Criminal Division to reflect the change to electronic case records.
Rule 80.6(k) is deleted and reserved. The rule referred to municipal fine contempt proceedings filed by a municipality pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1981(d), which was repealed in 2012. 2011, No. 83 (Adj. Sess.), § 1. The remedies of civil contempt and referral to a collections agency for failure to pay a judicial bureau judgment are now provided in 4 V.S.A. § 1109(c) and (d).
Rule 80.6(m) is amended in accord with a statutory change substituting "Chief Superior Judge" for "Administrative Judge." See 2021, No. 147 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 8, 9, 21, codified at 4 V.S.A. §§ 21a, 22, 1104; Administrative Order No. 18 (creating Chief Superior Judge).
Rule 80.6(n) is amended to add V.R.C.P. 43.1 to the list of civil rules that do not apply in judicial bureau proceedings. Remote hearings are covered by the provisions of Rule 6 of the Vermont Rules of Small Claims Procedure.
Reporter's Notes-2018 Amendment
Rules 80.6(c)(3), (e)(1) and (5), and (/)(1) are amended to change their 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-day time periods to 7, 14, and 21 days consistent the simultaneous "day is a day" amendment of V.R.C.P. 6.
Reporter's Notes-2016 Emergency Amendment
Rule 80.6(e)(3) is amended to incorporate language added to 4 V.S.A. § 1105(f) by Act No. 57 of 2013, § 23. A declaration under penalty of perjury is provided as an alternative to an affidavit by 50 U.S.c. § 3931(b)(4) (formerly 50 U.S.c. app. § 521(b)(4), recodified effective December 1, 2015). Presumably, an affidavit filed as formerly provided by the rule would satisfy the requirement of the amended rule.
Rule 80.6(e)(6) is added to incorporate the language of 4 V.S.A. § 1105(g), added by Act No. 51 of 2007, § 1.