Rule 40 - Motion for Reargument(a) Time. A party may move for reargument within 14 days after entry of judgment unless this time period is modified by Court order. A request to extend time for filing a motion for reargument must be filed within this 14-day period absent extraordinary circumstances. (b) Contents.(1) The motion must state with particularity the points of law or fact - presented in the briefs upon the original argument - that the moving party believes the Court has overlooked or misapprehended and that would probably affect the result. (2) The motion, or a supporting brief, must contain the moving party's argument in support of the motion. The supporting brief must not exceed 3000 words, and must include a certificate of compliance with this limit by the attorney, or self-represented party. The person preparing the certificate may rely on the word or line count of the word-processing system used to prepare the brief. The certificate must state the number of words in the brief and identify the word-processing system used. (c) Response. Unless the Court requests, no answer to a motion for reargument is permitted. But ordinarily reargument will not be granted in the absence of such a request. (d) Action by the Court. (1) Unless otherwise ordered, the Court will dispose of the motion without hearing or opinion.(2) If the Court grants the motion, it may then: (A) make a final disposition of the cause without reargument;(B) restore the case to the calendar for reargument or resubmission; or (C) make any other appropriate order. Amended June 20, 1984, eff. 9/3/1984; 6/11/2013, eff. 9/3/2013.