Vt. R. Bar Adm. 26
All required fees must be timely paid. Required fees are set by the Court Administrator and published on the Judiciary website. A request for a fee refund for a withdrawn application must be made to the Board in writing. The Board has discretion to grant a refund based on a showing of extraordinary circumstances. Any refund excludes a nonrefundable administrative fee.
Vt. R. Bar Adm. 26
Board's Notes
Rule 26 is derived from the prior rules § 9(d).
The provision requiring timely payment is consistent with past practice and added for clarity. The specific fees have been removed from the rule and will be posted on the Judiciary's website: https://www.vermontjudiciary.org, subject to change by the Court Administrator. Periodic fee increases may be necessary to subsidize purchase of the NCBE testing materials, and it should not be necessary to amend the rules of admission each time a fee is changed.