As amended through December 16, 2024
Rule 23 - Mandatory Prerequisites for AppearanceBefore appearing as legal counsel, a legal intern must comply with all of the following prerequisites:
(a) File with the subject court: (1) The client's written consent to the legal intern's appearance as legal counsel. Legal interns employed by state government agencies other than the Office of the Defender General are excused from compliance with this prerequisite.(2) The supervising attorney's written consent to the intern's appearance as legal counsel.(3) The supervising attorney's certification of compliance with these rules and of professional liability insurance that covers the actions of the intern, which certification has been filed with the subject court. Legal interns employed by state government agencies are excused from compliance with this prerequisite.(4) The intern's certification of compliance with these rules and written agreement to be bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct.(b) Receive permission, which has not been revoked, from the subject court in the exercise of its discretion.Board's Notes
This rule is derived from the prior rules § 13.
The rules governing appearance in court by legal interns are reorganized for clarity but largely unchanged in substance. Rule 23 includes a new provision that exempts interns in state government agencies from providing proof of insurance. It also exempts government interns (other than those interning for the Office of the Defender General) from providing the client's written consent. These new provisions remove unnecessary barriers to practice by interns in government agencies.