(a)Case Record. A judicial branch record pertaining to a particular case or controversy. Rules for Public Access to Court Records §3(b). (b)Electronic Case Record. An electronic record pertaining to one case or controversy or to cases which have been joined by the court. (c)Electronic Case Record Compilation. An electronic record pertaining to more than one electronic case record. (d)Electronic Case Record Report. An electronic case record compilation that extracts and displays data from more than one electronic case record for the purposes of providing information about the operation of the Vermont judiciary, or any of its components. (e)Electronic Data Dissemination Contract. An agreement between the Court Administrator and any entity, except a court or court employee, that is provided information which is not publicly accessible under this policy or the Rules for Public Access to Court Records. The data dissemination contract shall specify terms and conditions, as approved by the Vermont Judiciary Technology Committee, concerning the data including but not limited to restrictions, obligations, and cost recovery. (f)Electronic Record. A judicial branch record that exists in electronic form, irrespective of whether it also exists in physical form. Rules for Public Access to Court Records §3(c). (g)Public Purpose Agency. An agency or department of state or local government or a nonprofit agency whose principal function is research or to provide services to the public. (h)Statistical Report. An electronic case record compilation which complies with §8 of the Rules for Public Access to Court Records. (i)VCAS. A part of the judicial branch data warehouse that delivers VTADS2 data on a case-by-case basis. (j)Vermont Judiciary Data Warehouse. A central repository of information extracted from electronic case records in all courts and capable of creating electronic case record reports. (k)VTADS2. The case management system used by the judicial branch to create and manage electronic case records and including the capacity to create both standardized and ad hoc electronic case record reports. VTADS2 contains docket entries, scheduling information, information about parties and lawyers and some court orders. It does not contain records filed with the court. (l)VTADS2 Standardized Report. An electronic case records report which is produced from VTADS2 data by selection from a menu of preprogrammed reports. Vt. Dissem. E. Ct. Rec. R. 2
Adopted Mar. 6, 2002, eff. 6/1/2002.