Section 17 - Extended Active Duty Any attorney while on extended active duty in the uniformed services of the United States or member of the national guard, state guard, or reserve component who is licensed to practice law at the time of activation or deployment will:
(a) receive an extension of licensure up to 90 days following the attorney's return from activation or deployment, provided the attorney:(1) notifies the State Court Administrator of his or her activation or deployment prior to the expiration of the current license, and (2) certifies that the circumstances of the activation or deployment impede good faith efforts to make timely application for renewal of the license.(b) be given a reasonable opportunity to meet the terms or conditions of licensure following the person's return from activation or deployment if military service in any way interferes with a good faith effort to complete a term or condition of licensure.Vt. Admin. Ord. Of. Sup. Ct. 17
Administrative Order 41 was repealed and replaced on May 13, 2017, eff. 5/15/2017.