Utah Sup. Ct. R. Prof'l. Prac. 14-208

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 14-208 - Special rules and regulations
(a)Bar Admission. The Board proposes rules for applicant Bar admission pursuant to Article 1, Integration and Management, and recommends to the Supreme Courtfor approval rules governing qualifications and requirements for admission tothe practice of law as a lawyer and as a foreign legal consultant and for theexamination of applicants.
(b)Student practice rules. The Board may recommend to the Supreme Court for approval rulesgoverning student practice or student court assistance programs.
(c)Sections, standingcommittees, special committees. To advance the Bar's purposes and objectives, the Board must create appropriate sections, standing committees, and special committees to whichmatters may be referred. TheBoard may call for regular or periodic reports from such committees andsections at times and to such extent as the Board deems appear appropriate.
(d)Committees. The Board will select a chair and the members of each committee. Bar Committees consist of:
(1) Standing committees, which exist until abolished by the Board. Standing committee members serve in staggered, three-year terms; and
(2) Ad hoc committees created for a specific purpose, which will terminate uponcompletion of that purpose. Ad hoc committee membership lasts through the committee's existence.

Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof'l. Prac. 14-208

Amended effective 12/15/2020.