Utah Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-1102

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 14-1102 - Purpose and composition of the committee
(a) The purpose of the Committee is to resolve fee disputes between lawyers and their clients by means of arbitration, mediation or other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
(b) The Committee must consist of members appointed annually by the president of the Bar. The president of the Bar must designate one of the members of the Committee as the chair. At the discretion of the president, a vice chair and/or secretary may be appointed from the members of the Committee.
(c) Participation in the fee arbitration process is non-mandatory. However, If all the necessary parties elect in writing to arbitrate, the decision is binding.
(d). After all parties have agreed in writing to be bound by an arbitration decision, a party may not withdraw from that agreement unless all parties agree to the withdrawal in writing.

Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-1102

Amended effective 5/1/2021.