Utah Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-110

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 14-110 - Active and inactive members of the Bar
(a) Any member of the Bar or Licensed Paralegal Practitioner who has retired from the practice of law, or who is not engaged in the practice oflaw, except for foreign legal consultants, may upon request be enrolled as an inactive member or inactive licensee. There shall be no rebate of any license fee upon transfer from active to inactive membership or inactive licensee. An inactive member may attend the annual and special meetings, and participate in any debates or discussions at suchmeetings, but shall not be entitled to vote in any election or upon anyquestion. An inactive member may provide pro bono legal services for or on behalf of a legal services organization approved by the Bar, upon meeting certification and performance standards, conditions and rules established by theBoard.
(b) The Board may appoint inactive members or inactive Licensed Paralegal Practitioners to committees. The annual fee for an inactive member shall be payable before the first day of July of each year, in an amount fixed by the Board, with theapproval of the Supreme Court to effectuate the purpose of this chapter. An inactive member or an inactive Licensed Paralegal Practitioner in good standing may request to be enrolled as an active member or an active Licensed Paralegal Practitioner. Uponsuch request and the payment of the full annual license fee for the currentfiscal year and any other fees authorized by the Court, less any fee paid as an inactive member or an inactive Licensed Paralegal Practitioner for such fiscal year, the applicant shall be immediatelytransferred from the inactive roll to the active roll.

Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-110

Amended effective 5/1/2017; amended effective 11/1/2018.