Utah Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-104

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 14-104 - Admission to practice law; qualifications, enrollment, oath, and fees
(a) The Board, by delegation from the Supreme Court, is authorized to determine the qualifications and requirements for admission to the practice of law and to conduct examinations of applicants; and it shall from time to time certify to the Court those applicants found to be qualified. Qualifications and requirements for admission to the practice of law are set forth in Chapter 14, Article 7, Admissions.
(b) The Board, by delegation from the Supreme Court, is authorized to determine the qualifications and requirements for the Licensure of the Licensed Paralegal Practitioners and to conduct examinations of applicants, and it shall from time to time certify to the Court those applicants found to be qualified. Qualifications and requirements for Licensed Paralegal Practitioner licensure are set forth in Chapter 15, Article 7, Licensure.
(c) The Supreme Court's approval of any person certified for licensure to practice law entitles the person to be enrolled in the Bar upon taking an oath to support the Constitutions of the United States and of Utah and to discharge faithfully the duties of an attorney at law , foreign legal consultant, or Licensed Paralegal Practitioner to the best of the person's knowledge and ability, and payment of the fee fixed by the Board with the Supreme Court's approval, and thereafter, to practice law upon payment of annual or special license fees herein provided, subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(d) Upon receiving Board certification and Supreme Court approval, the applicant must pay a fee set by the Supreme Court to the Supreme Court clerk for a certificate of admission. The state treasurer will retain a portion of the fee, as a special fund for the benefit of the Utah State Law Library, to be expended by the Utah Judicial Council. The Supreme Court will set the fee for a certificate of good standing.
(e) Roll of licensed lawyers and Licensed Paralegal Practitioners. The Supreme Court clerk will keep a roll of the attorneys at law admitted to practice in Utah and Licensed Paralegal Practitioners, which must be signed by each person admitted or licensed before the person is enrolled and receives a certificate of admission to the Bar or license as a foreign legal consultant or Licensed Paralegal Practitioner.

Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-104

Amended effective 11/1/2018; amended effective 11/15/2023.