Utah Sup. Ct. R. Prof'l. Prac. 11-702

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 11-702 - Legal Services Innovation Committee Composition
(a)Composition. The Legal Services Innovation Committee must have at least ten members and include the following:
1. one elected Utah State Bar Commissioner;
2. one member of the Utah State Bar's Access to Justice Commission;
3. the director of the Utah State Court's Self Help Center or the director's designee;
4. two experts in relevant fields, such as legal regulation, consumer legal needs, or data collection and analysis;
5. two Utah attorneys experienced in areas of law directly serving consumers;
6. one Utah licensed paralegal practitioner; and
7. one non-attorney member experienced in working with traditionally underserved communities.
(b)Terms. Members are appointed for staggered three-year terms, unless the Supreme Court determines that a different term length is appropriate for the needs of the Committee. The Supreme Court will appoint the chair and vice-chair. No Committee member may serve more than two full consecutive terms unless appointed as the chair, vice-chair, or when justified by special circumstances. The Committee may also have up to two non-voting emeritus members. An emeritus member has the same authority and duties as other Committee members, except that the member does not have authority to vote. An emeritus member may serve two full terms in addition to the terms served as a member.
(c)Application and recruitment of committee members. In the event of a committee vacancy, the Supreme Court, after consulting with the Committee chair, will appoint a new Committee member from the same category as the prior Committee member, if applicable. The new Committee member serves for the remaining unexpired term and thereafter is eligible to serve two additional consecutive terms.
(e)Absences. In the event a Committee member fails to attend three Committee meetings during a calendar year, the chair may notify the Supreme Court of those absences and may request that the Supreme Court replace that Committee member.
(f)Administrative assistance. The Utah State Bar will provide administrative assistance to the Committee.
(g)Staff. The Office of Legal Services Innovation's Program Director will serve as staff and chief advisor to the Committee. The Program Director will be appointed by the Utah Supreme Court with the advice of the Utah State Bar.

Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof'l. Prac. 11-702

Adopted effective 11/1/2024.