Rule 4-603 - Mandatory electronic filing in criminal casesIntent:
To require that documents in district court criminal cases be filed electronically.
To provide for exceptions.
This rule applies in the district court. Statement of the Rule:
(1)Criminal cases. Except as provided in Paragraph (2), pleadings and other papers filed in criminal cases in the district court shall be electronically filed using the electronic filer's interface. The electronic filer shall be an attorney of record and shall use a unique and personal identifier that is provided by the electronic filer's service provider.(2)(A)Self-represented parties. A self-represented party who is not a lawyer may file pleadings and other papers using any of the following methods: (2)(A)(iii) the court's MyCase interface, where applicable; or(2)(B)Hardship exemption. A lawyer whose request for a hardship exemption from this rule has been approved by the Judicial Council may file pleadings and other papers using any method permitted by the Judicial Council. To request an exemption, the lawyer shall submit a written request outlining why the exemption is necessary to the District Court Administrator. Utah Code Jud. Admin. 4-603
Adopted effective 10/28/2013; amended effective 11/1/2015; amended December 19, 2022, effective 12/19/2022.