Rule 3-117 - Committee on Court FormsIntent: To establish a committee to determine the need for forms and to create forms for use by litigants in all court levels.
Applicability: This rule shall apply to the judiciary.
Statement of the Rule:
(1) The committee shall review current court forms and assess the need for new court forms to assist parties and practitioners in all court levels. (2) The committee shall create forms as it deems necessary for use by parties and practitioners, including forms for the Online Court Assistance Program.(3) Process for form creation. (3)(a) The committee shall adopt procedures for creating new forms or making substantive amendments to existing forms, procedures for eliminating obsolete and outdated forms, procedures for recommending which forms should be translated into other languages, and procedures for expediting technical or non-substantive amendments to forms.(3)(b)Forms should be: (3)(b)(i) written in plain language and reference the statutes and rules to which the forms apply;(3)(b)(ii) reviewed for legal correctness;(3)(b)(iii) standardized across the state where practicable;(3)(b)(iv) developed to promote and expand access to justice;(3)(b)(v) structured to eliminate redundancy and unnecessary steps; and(3)(b)(vi) user-tested when practicable.(3)(c) The committee shall solicit input from other interested groups as it deems appropriate. The committee may establish subcommittees using non-committee members to facilitate its work.(3)(d) The committee may recommend to the Judicial Council mandatory use of particular forms. However the Judicial Council's designation of a form as mandatory is not binding on a decision-maker asked to review the legal correctness of the form.(4) The State Law Librarian shall be responsible for maintaining and archiving the forms.Utah Code Jud. Admin. 3-117
Added effective 12/19/2016; amended effective 5/22/2017; amended May 23, 2023, effective 11/1/2023.