(a) Upon completion of the initial registration procedures, each filer will be issued a confidential and unique electronic identifier. Each filer must use his or her identifier in order to electronically file documents. Use of the identifier to electronically file documents constitutes a digital signature on the particular document.(b) The attachment of a digital signature on an electronically filed document is deemed to constitute a signature on the documentforpurposes ofsignature requirements imposed by the Texas Rules ofCivil Procedure or any other law. The person whose name appears first in the signature block of an initial pleading is deemed to be the attorney in charge for the purposes of Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 8, unless otherwise designated. The digital signature on any document electronically filed is deemed to be the signature ofthe attorney whose name appears first in the signature block of the document for the purpose ofTexas Rules of Civil Procedure 13 and 57.(c) A digital signature on an electronically filed document is deemed to constitute a signature by the filer for the purpose ofauthorizing the payment ofdocument filing fees.Tex. R. eFiling Just. Ct. 4.2
Effective January 1, 2008.