Rule 3.2 - Documents Containing Signatures(a) A document that is required to be verified, notarized, acknowledged, sworn to, or made under oath may be electronically filed only as a scanned image.(b) A document that requires the signatures of opposing parties (such as an agreement between attorneys or parties pertaining to a pending suit) may be electronically filed only as a scanned image.(c) Any affidavit or other paper described in Rule 3.2(a) or (b) that is to be attached to an electronically filed document may be scanned and electronically filed along with the underlying document.(d) Where a filer has electronically filed a scanned image under this rule, a court may require the filer to file the document in paper format.(e) When a document is filed as a scanned image under Rule 3.2(a) or (b), the filer must retain the original document from which the scanned image has been made. Upon a party's request, a court shall require a party that electronically filed a scanned image ofa document under Rule 3.2(a) or (b) to allow another party to inspect the original document.Tex. R. eFiling Just. Ct. 3.2
Effective January 1, 2008.