Rule 8.2 - Initial Certification Requirement(a) A person seeking statewide certification to serve process must file with the Commission an application, sworn or under penalty of perjury, in the form prescribed by the Commission.(b) An application must comply with the requirements of Rule 3.1. The Commission or Director may consider the applicant's criminal history using the factors listed in Rule 3.5 in determining whether the application should be granted.(c) The application must include a certificate from the director of a civil process service course, approved by the Commission for certification in every state court, stating that the applicant has completed the approved course within the prior year for initial certification. The applicant bears the burden of establishing that he or she has completed within the prior year a course approved by the Commission for certification in every state court.(d) Applications will be reviewed and either approved or rejected for good cause stated. In appropriate circumstances, the Commission or Director may approve applications on a conditional or probationary basis.Tex. R. Judi. Cert. Commi. 8.2
Amended effective 4/12/2018 immediately; amended effective 6/16/2020 immediately.