Rule 2.2 - Commission Meetings(a) Every meeting of the Commission must be open to the public as provided by the Commission's Public Meetings Policy.(b) A quorum for the Commission is a majority of all the members of the Commission. When a quorum is present, a motion before the Commission is carried by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Commission members present that are participating in the vote.(c) The presiding officer may limit the number and length of comments provided on any item on the agenda.(d) The Commission must provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before the Commission and speak on any issue under the Commission's jurisdiction. A person who wishes to speak at a Commission meeting must sign in and may speak at the designated time.(e) The presiding officer or the presiding officer's designee may grant continuances with regard to hearings and other matters before the Commission.Tex. R. Judi. Cert. Commi. 2.2
Amended effective 4/12/2018immediately.