The following words and terms, when used in these rules, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(a)Act means the laws enforced by the Commission, which are codified at Chapters 151- 157 of the Government Code.(b)Advisory board means a board that is established by law or the Commission to advise the Commission on rules, policies, or technical matters.(c)Applicant means any person seeking a certification, registration, or license from the Commission.(d)Certification means a certification issued by the Commission. The term includes provisional certification.(e)Commission means the Judicial Branch Certification Commission.(f)Complainant means any person, including the Director, who has filed a complaint with the Commission against any person whose activities are subject to the Commission's jurisdiction.(g)Director or Administrative Director means the Administrative Director of the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System, or the Director's designee.(h)Good Standing with regard to certification, registration, or licensure in another jurisdiction means to be authorized to engage in a regulated practice without restriction and not subject to any current disciplinary sanction for any misconduct other than failure to pay renewal fees.(i)License means a license issued by the Commission.(j)Office means the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System.(k)Presiding officer means the Commission member designated by the Supreme Court under Section 152.056 of the Government Code or the presiding officer's temporary designee under that section.(l)Registration means a registration issued by the Commission.(m)Regulated person means a person who, or a program; corporation; partnership; firm; other business entity; local, county, or regional agency; or nonprofit entity that holds an apprenticeship, provisional certification, certification, registration, or license issued by the Commission, but, pursuant to Section 155.208 of the Government Code, does not include guardianships registered under Section 155.151 of the Government Code.(n)Respondent means any person, regardless of whether the person is certified, registered, or licensed, who is charged with violating a law that establishes a regulatory program administered by the Commission, a rule adopted by the Commission, or an order issued by the Commission or the Director. The term may include a forensic analyst license holder or a crime laboratory subject to discipline by the Texas Forensic Science Commission.(o)Review committee means a committee of advisory board members appointed by the Commission to review complaints.Tex. R. Judi. Cert. Commi. 1.2
Amended effective 4/12/2018 immediately; amended effective 6/16/2020 immediately; amended effective 11/17/2023 immediately.