As amended through December 17, 2024
Rule 15.4 - Consolidation When Appealing Parties Unable to Agree(a)Clerks of Courts of Appeals to Jointly Notify Trial Court Clerk.(1) If both courts of appeals receive notice of the appealing parties' inability to reach agreement regarding consolidation, the clerks of both appellate courts must jointly notify the clerk of the trial court in writing of that fact.(2) If the period described in Rule 15.3(b) has passed and the clerks of the two courts of appeals have not received any notice from the appealing parties regarding consolidation, the chief justices of the two courts of appeals shall confer and instruct the clerks of their respective courts to jointly notify the clerk of the trial court in writing that the appealing parties failed to timely submit notice of agreement regarding consolidation, and instruct the clerk to perform the selection process in Rule 15.4(b).(b)Consolidation by Trial Court Clerk. After the trial court clerk receives notice from the clerks of the courts of appeals regarding either the appealing parties' inability to reach agreement as to consolidation or their failure to timely submit notice of agreement, the clerk shall write the numbers of the two courts of appeals on identical slips of paper and place the slips in a container folded in half or otherwise arranged so that the numbers are completely hidden from view. The trial court clerk shall draw a number from the container at random, in a public place, and shall assign the case to the court of appeals for the corresponding number drawn.