Tex. R. Disc. P. 4.02
Except for initial appointments as set forth in Rule 4.03 hereof, Commission members will serve three-year terms unless sooner terminated through disqualification, resignation, or other cause. Terms begin on September 1 of the year and expire on August 31 of the third year thereafter. The lawyer members of the Commission are appointed by the President of the State Bar, subject to the Board's concurrence, no later than June 1 of the year. The public members are appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas no later than June 1 of the year. Members may be removed by the Supreme Court, but only for good cause. Vacancies are to be filled in the same manner as term appointments but are only for the unexpired term of the position vacated. Members of the Commission are not eligible for reappointment to more than one additional three-year term.
Tex. R. Disc. P. 4.02