1. The court utilizes Westlaw.2. The court prefers that parties follow The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation and The Greenbook: Texas Rules of Form.3. The court prefers that parties provide copies of legislative history, municipal ordinances, or other materials that may be difficult or onerous to locate. Do not include copies of statutes, rules, or cases unless they are required by the appellate rules or are key to your appellate arguments.4. The court distributes its orders and opinions through e-noticing, electronically on its website, and through its case mail system.5. The court records oral argument digitally (typically audio only). The parties can obtain a copy of the argument; however, the court does not guarantee the quality of its recordings.Tex. 13th. Ct. App. L. R., Internal Operating Procedures Thirteenth Court of Appeals, Technology
Amended effective 1/1/2023.