Harris Cnty. L. R. Just. Peace Ct. 2.1.4

As amended through December 17, 2024
Rule 2.1.4 - State and County Regulations Relating to Fires, Explosions, or Damages Caused by a Fire or Explosion

All citations, complaints, and affidavits presented for the prosecution of offenses related to state and county regulations that relate to fires, explosions, or damages of any kind caused by a fire or explosion, including:

(i) Contempt of Fire Investigation Proceedings (Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 352.021),
(ii) Regulation of Fireworks and Fireworks Displays (Tex. Occ. Code Chapter 2154),
(iii) Regulation of Fireworks During Drought Conditions (Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 352.051) (iv) Regulation of Outdoor Burning (Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 352.081),
(v) Mass Gatherings (Tex. Health & Safety Code Chapter 751), and any other citations, complaints, and affidavits presented by or at the direction of the Harris County Fire Marshal or Investigators of the Harris County Fire Marshal's Office shall be prosecuted in a Justice Court in Precinct 4.

In the event that such citations, complaints, and affidavits are presented for prosecution in any other Justice Court, that Justice of the Peace shall immediately forward such citations, complaints, and affidavits to a Justice Court in Precinct 4 for prosecution.

Harris Cnty. L. R. Just. Peace Ct. 2.1.4

Adopted 4/26/2006; Amended 11/9/2021