Dallas Cnty. L. R. Civ. Ct. 4.02
No attorney of record shall be permitted to withdraw from any case without presenting a motion and obtaining from the Court an order granting leave to withdraw. When withdrawal is made at the request of or on agreement of client such motion shall be accompanied by the client's written consent to such withdrawal or a certificate by another lawyer that he has been employed to represent the client in the case. In the event the client has not consented, a copy of such motion shall be mailed by certified and regular first class mail to the client at his last known address, with a letter advising that the motion will be presented to the Court on or after a certain hour not less than ten days after mailing the letter, and that any objection to such withdrawal should be made to the Court in writing before such time. A copy of such letter shall be attached to the motion. A copy of the motion shall be served upon all counsel of record. Unless allowed in the discretion of the Court, no such motion shall be presented within 30 days of the trial date or at such time as to require delay of the trial. After leave is granted, the withdrawing attorney shall send the client a letter by regular mail with a copy of the order of the withdrawal, stating any settings for trial or other hearings and any pending discovery deadlines, and advising him to secure other counsel, and shall forward a copy of such letter to all counsel of record and to the Clerk of the Court in which the case is pending. The requirements of this Local Rule are supplemental to, and not in place of, the requirements of TRCP Rule 10.
Dallas Cnty. L. R. Civ. Ct. 4.02