Dallas Cnty. L. R. Civ. Ct. 2.08
Counsel seeking affirmative relief shall be prepared to tender a proposed order to the court at the commencement of any hearing on any contested matter.
Should the court notify counsel of its decision at any time following the hearing on any contested matter and direct counsel to prepare one or more orders for submission to the court any such order shall be tendered to opposing counsel at least two working days before it is submitted to the court.
The opposing party must either approve the proposed order as to form or file objections in writing with the court. If an order is not approved as to form and no objections are filed within five days of the submission of the proposed order to the court, the proposed order is deemed approved as to form. Nothing herein prevents the court from making its own order at any time after the hearing in accordance with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
Dallas Cnty. L. R. Civ. Ct. 2.08