Rule 2.02 - Certificates to Ex Parte OrdersPrior to presentment, all applications for ex parte orders shall certify in writing, signed by .the party or attorney, one of the following;
I hereby certify as follows: (check off and fill in blanks as required)
1. To the best of my knowledge, there is no attorney of record representing any opposing party at this time; or2. Prior to presenting this matter to an Associate Judge for approval, I contacted all attorneys of record, transmitted a copy of the pleadings and proposed order in this matter, and notified them that I was requesting such ex parte relief, and: A. After conferring, no attorney of record wishes to be heard prior to the presentment of this request for ex parte relief; or, B. We were unable to reach an agreement, at which time I notified all attorneys of record that I would present this matter to the Associate Judge at _______(time) on______,____, (date) in the _________(court) and invited them to attend and be heard prior to signing; or,C, I was unable to speak with the opposing attomey(s) and I left word with a staff person for each attorney that I would present this matter to the Associate Judge at_______(time) on ____________._____(date) in the________. (court) and invited them to attend and be heard prior to signing; or,D. After diligent attempts, I was unable to reach the opposing attomey(s) and was further unable to leave any message with counsel's office regarding the presentment of this matter to the Associate Judge. For purposes of this rule, representation of prior counsel ends upon the entry of a final order.
Dallas Cnty. L. R. Fam. Dist. Ct. 2.02