As amended through December 11, 2024
Rule 5 - Signatures on E-Filed Documents(a) Electronic Signatures. (1) Pleadings, motions, and all other documents signed solely by attorneys who are Authorized E-Filers must be signed using an Electronic Signature and converted from a word processing format to PDF for E-Filing. A pleading, motion, or other document signed solely by an attorney who is an Authorized E-Filer may not be signed with the Authorized E-Filer's Traditional Signature and scanned to PDF. (2) The use of the Authorized E-Filer's login and password, combined with the use of the s/[typed name] in the signature line of an E-Filed document shall constitute the Authorized E-Filer's Electronic Signature on all E-Filed documents in accordance with Rule 11, SCRCP. The Authorized E-Filer shall also provide other identifying information, including the name, physical address, telephone number, and email address of the E-Filer, along with the E-Filer's South Carolina Bar Number. For example: s/John Doe |
S.C. Bar No. 12345 |
Attorney for the Plaintiff |
1234 Any Street |
Columbia, SC 29201 |
803-555-0111 | |
(b) Documents Requiring Multiple Signatures. Where a document requires the signatures of more than one Authorized E-Filer, the document may be E-Filed by a single Authorized E-Filer. The Authorized E-Filer may insert the Electronic Signature(s) of the other Authorized E-Filer(s) if the E-Filer obtains written consent, which may be in the form of a letter, e-mail, or facsimile. The E-Filed document containing the Electronic Signature(s) shall affirmatively state that the E-Filer has obtained the required consent.(c) Signatures of Persons Other than Authorized E-Filers. Only an attorney who is an Authorized E-Filer may utilize an Electronic Signature on an E-Filed document. Documents containing the signature of persons other than Authorized E-Filers, including affidavits, other notarized or signed documents, certificates of service signed by paralegals or legal assistants, or proposed consent orders, cannot be E-Filed with an Electronic Signature. Any document that requires a signature of a person who is not an Authorized E-Filer must be signed with a Traditional Signature and E-Filed as a scanned PDF image. S.C. Com'n Pleas Elec. Fil'g Pol. & Guid. 5
Amended by Order dated 1/25/2016.