Rule 429 - Certification of Paralegals(a) Purpose. The purpose of certification of South Carolina's paralegals is to assist in the delivery of legal services to the public by identifying individuals who are qualified by education, training, and experience and who have demonstrated knowledge, skill, and proficiency to perform substantive legal work under the direction and supervision of a lawyer licensed in South Carolina.(b) Board of Paralegal Certification. The South Carolina Board of Paralegal Certification (Board) shall have jurisdiction over the certification of paralegals in South Carolina. The responsibility for operating the paralegal certification program rests with the Board, subject to regulations approved by the Supreme Court of South Carolina ("Court").(c) Size and Composition of Board. The Chief Justice shall appoint the members of the Board based on nominations from the Board of Governors of the South Carolina Bar. The Board shall have nine members, five of whom must be Regular members of the South Carolina Bar in good standing. Four members of the Board shall be paralegals certified under the program, provided, however, that the paralegals appointed to the inaugural Board shall be exempt from this requirement during their initial terms, but shall be eligible for certification by the Board.(d) Responsibilities of the Board. Subject to the jurisdiction of the Court, the Board shall have the responsibility to:(1) prepare and publish applications and other forms required by the regulations for certification of paralegals;(2) certify paralegals or deny or revoke the certification of paralegals;(3) evaluate and approve continuing paralegal education courses for the purpose of meeting the continuing paralegal education requirements established by the regulations; and(4) recommend to the Court any changes regarding fees set forth in the regulations.(e) Regulations. Regulations may be promulgated by the Court or the Board. Regulations will be effective only upon approval by the Court. Adopted by Order dated November 12, 2015.