R.i. Sup. Ct. R. canon 3

As amended through June 7, 2024
Canon 3 - Court proceedings

For purposes of these rules the term "court proceedings" shall include all judicial proceedings in the Supreme Court, Superior Court, District Court, Workers' Compensation Court and Family Court, except that media coverage shall not be permitted in respect to juvenile proceedings, adoption proceedings or any other matters in the Family Court in which juveniles are significant participants in the court proceedings.

(a)Coverage Outside Court Proceedings Prohibited. No televising, photographing or broadcasting shall take place in courthouse corridors or other portions of the courthouse building, save the courtroom during court proceedings. No televising, photographing or broadcasting shall take place within the courtroom during recesses or at any other time when the trial justice is not present and presiding.
(b)Hearings Outside Presence of the Jury. During or immediately preceding a jury trial, there shall be no televising or broadcasting during hearings which take place outside the presence of the jury. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such hearings would include motions to suppress evidence, motions for judgment of acquittal or directed verdict, hearings to determine competence or relevance of evidence, motions in limine, and motions to dismiss for legal inadequacy of the indictment, information or complaint (criminal or civil).

R.i. Sup. Ct. R. canon 3

Revised 9/1/2023.