The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Presiding Justice of the Superior Court, the Chief Judges of the Family, District or Workers' Compensation Courts, or the Chief Magistrate of the Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal may in their discretion issue special orders concerning the conduct or presence of media representatives and/or equipment in areas of the courthouse outside a particular courtroom that is subject to the control of the trial justice or magistrate. These orders may, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, include the assignment of areas or restriction of areas used by media representatives for the placing of equipment and parking of vehicles - whether these vehicles are utilized to assist in broadcasting or otherwise - as well as limitations upon placing of equipment on land or sidewalks contiguous to a courthouse assigned to the use of courts under the supervision of the Chief Justice, Presiding Justice, Chief Judge or Chief Magistrate. For violation of orders issued, the Chief Justice, the Presiding Justice, the Chief Judges, or the Chief Magistrate may exclude media representatives and/or equipment from areas under his or her control for the duration of a trial or other proceedings or for such other period as he or she may deem appropriate in his or her discretion.
R.i. Sup. Ct. R. canon 12