Within forty (40) days after the brief of the appellant or other moving party has been filed, the appellee or other adverse party shall file a brief in accordance with Rule 18. The brief of the appellee or other adverse party shall conform to the requirements of subsection (a), except that no specification of errors is necessary and no statement of the case need be made beyond what may be deemed necessary to correct any inaccuracy or omission in the statement of the appellant or other moving party.
Handwritten briefs or briefs produced on a typewriter, when allowed, shall not exceed fifty (50) pages, except that reply briefs that are handwritten or produced on a typewriter shall not exceed twenty-five (25) pages.
Briefs exceeding these limitations shall not be filed, either provisionally or otherwise, along with the motion seeking their approval, and no such brief will be accepted by the clerk until such motion has first been granted. The motion for leave to file a brief exceeding these limitations shall be accompanied only by a memorandum substantiating, to the Supreme Court's satisfaction, the need for the additional words or pages requested.
Nonelectronic briefs shall be bound on the left side and not at the top. The brief must be bound in any manner that is secure, does not obscure text, and permits the brief to lie reasonably flat when open and not fall apart. The cover of the nonelectronic brief of the appellant shall be blue; that of the appellee, red; that of an intervenor or amicus curiae, green; that of any reply brief, gray. The cover of the nonelectronic appendix, if separately printed, should be white.
The front covers of all briefs and of appendices, if separately filed, shall contain the following information:
All briefs shall be filed with a completed "Checklist for Filing Briefs" form prescribed by the Clerk of the Supreme Court. The most current Checklist for Filing Briefs is located on the Judiciary's website at www.courts.ri.gov under the heading of Public Resources, Forms, Supreme Court. Checklists shall be signed by the filing attorney(s). Briefs that are filed without a completed checklist shall be rejected by the Clerk.
R.i. Sup. Ct. R. 16