(a) Issuance; Form. Upon the formal filing of a petition the court shall issue a summons which shall bear the signature of the clerk, be under the seal or watermark of the court (which shall be generated by CMS), and require the child and, if known to reside within the state, a parent, guardian, lawful custodian, or person with whom the child resides, to appear before the court at a time and place named therein for a hearing on the petition, the allegations of which shall be set forth in the summons. The summons shall inform the child and other persons to whom the summons is addressed of the right to an attorney and of the child's entitlement to the services of the public defender if financially unable to engage an attorney . The summons shall state that appearance may result in detention of the child.(b) Method of Service; By Whom Served. The summons shall be served by delivering a copy to the person, or by leaving an attested copy thereof at the individual's dwelling house or usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion living therein. The summons may be served anywhere within the state by any person authorized by law to make such service.(c) Warrant for Arrest. If a judicial officer of the court has reason to believe that a child may not appear upon summons, or if a child has been summoned and has failed to appear, the judicial officer may issue a warrant reciting the substance of the petition and requiring the officer to whom the warrant is directed to forthwith arrest the child and bring the child before the court.(d) Penalties Pursuant to G.L. 1956 § 14-1-19. Any parent, guardian, lawful custodian, or other person having the care and control of a child who shall willfully refuse or neglect to appear in court in accordance with any summons served upon that person , may be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or be imprisoned not more than three (3) months.Amended March 1, 2019, effective 7/1/2019; amended April 30, 2019, effective 11/4/2019; amended November 5, 2019, effective 1/6/2020.