Rule 513 - Fees for Access to Magisterial District Court Records(A) A Magisterial District Court may charge reasonable fees for providing public access to official case records of the Court pursuant to 204 Pa.Code Sec. 213.1 et seq. The fees to be charged are set forth below. Changes to the fee structure may be made, from time to time, by the President Judge by administrative order. (1) For copying records or transmitting records by facsimile or other electronic means: $0.25 per page(2) For processing complex or voluminous requests, in addition to the costs of copying set forth in (1) above: $8.00 per quarter hour of staff time spent, in excess of the first quarter hour. What constitutes a complex or voluminous request may vary from court to court depending on factors such as court resources and caseload.(B) Fees may be waived in full or in part in the discretion of the Magisterial District Judge if the Judge determines that the requester is indigent.(C) Prepayment of fees incurred in processing a request is at the discretion of the Magisterial District Judge.(D) Fees paid for services provided pursuant to this Rule are not refundable.(E) Fees collected pursuant to this Rule shall be identified as revenue to the magisterial district court, but shall be timely remitted to the County of York.(F) Any appeal from the application of this Rule or pursuant to 204 Pa.Code Section 213et seq., or the Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania: Official Case Records of the Magisterial District Courts shall be made to the District Court Administrator.Amended effective through 4/1/2024.