Rule 52 - Effective Date. Application To Pending Actions(a) These Rules, and any amendments to these Rules, shall become effective thirty days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as provided in Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 239, or, with respect to any rules relating to motions practice, upon publication to the UJS Web Portal pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 239.8, unless a different effective date is set forth in the Order adopting the rules. Changes to any fees provided for in these Rules will become effective upon the publishing of an Administrative Order revising the fees.(b) These Rules, and any amendments to these Rules, shall apply to all civil actions of any kind pending on the effective date, and to those filed thereafter.(c) The enactment of these Rules repeals all prior York County local rules of civil procedure, and any part of an Administrative Order in conflict with these Rules.Amended effective through 8/1/2023.