Rule 502 - Instituting Proceedings In Court Cases; Warren County(a) Annually, no later than October 30th, the Court Administrator shall publish a schedule for the succeeding year setting forth the following pertinent dates for each case with the appropriate schedule for each case to be set in motion by the date the defendant either waives his or her preliminary hearing or is bound over following that preliminary hearing: (1) The date of the court arraignment which shall be the first available arraignment date at least twenty (20) days after the preliminary hearing is held or waived;(2) The date for the pretrial settlement conference as required by 37.R.Crim.P.L 570 which shall be no later than forty-five (45) days after court arraignment;(3) The date for Criminal Calendar Call, which shall follow the settlement conference and precede jury selection; and(4) The day of jury selection.(b) The Court Administrator shall immediately, after publishing said schedule, provide copies to each sitting Magisterial District Judge, the District Attorney's office, the Public Defender's office, and each member of the county criminal defense bar known to the Court Administrator. Copies shall also be available free of charge at all times in the Court Administrator's office and the Clerk of Courts' office.(c) At the time defendant is bound over to Court or waives his or her preliminary hearing, the District Attorney shall complete a Criminal Case Scheduling Form with an original and five copies substantially consistent with Form L502.(d) Once the Criminal Case Scheduling Form has been completed, the defendant shall be provided with a copy and the District Attorney shall retain a copy. If the defendant's attorney is present, a copy shall be provided to the defendant's attorney. All undistributed copies, together with the original Criminal Case Scheduling Form, shall be attached to the official record when it is forwarded to the Clerk of Courts as required by Pa.R.Crim.P. 547 and shall be distributed by the Clerk of Courts.
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