Rule 1920.51B - Fees And Costs1. Fees and costs shall be paid to the Prothonotary as follows: a. A deposit of $350 shall be due from the moving party at the time that a motion for the appointment of the Court Hearing Officer is filed. In the motion the moving party shall certify to the Court that these fees have been paid in full and the Prothonotary shall certify in writing on the face of the motion that the fees have been paid. No motion for the appointment of the Court Hearing Officer shall be filed until all of the fees in this rule have been paid to the Prothonotary.b. The fees set forth in this rule shall be regarded as costs of the case and the Court Hearing Officer may recommend and/or the Court may order each party to pay his/her own costs or may order that the costs be divided equitably and paid by each party as may be deemed just and reasonable.c. When the fees deposited with the Prothonotary are deemed insufficient to provide for the total services of the court reporter, the Court Hearing Officer may prepare a Recommended Order for submission to the Court requiring additional deposits. The Court Hearing Officer shall not be required to conduct additional hearings or proceed further in any respect until payment of additional deposits has been received by the Prothonotary. 2. Deposits in cases where someone other than the permanent Court Hearing Officer has been appointed shall be as set out in any appointing or other order and shall be held by the Prothonotary to be paid over as the Court may order to the Court Hearing Officer as a fee or returned to the parties, or otherwise. In such a case the specially appointed Court Hearing Officer shall file a petition or petitions for the payment of the Court Hearing Officer's fees detailing the time and services spent and rendered, and expenses incurred, all in compliance with local motions practice. The special Court Hearing Officer shall receive compensation as set by Court Order. The Prothonotary may pay the special Court Hearing Officer upon receipt of a bill approved by the parties or their attorneys without the necessity of a Court Order. Special Court Hearing Officers are not required to proceed until the court ordered deposit is paid in full.3. Whenever a stenographic transcript is required, the Pennsylvania Rules of Judicial Administration shall apply. The Prothonotary shall pay the reporter upon receipt of a bill approved by the Court Hearing Officer or the Court.Amended effective 1/14/2014 and 1/24/2014.